- I'm interested in a short-term training program, 不 a college degree. 我该找谁?
- I don't have a high school diploma or GED. 我还可以注册吗??
- W在这里 can I get help with the application process?
- What kind of program should I choose?
- What kind of student am I?
- How much is the application fee?
- If I am taking only one course must I complete an application?
- Do I have to be accepted to apply for Financial Aid?
- Am I required to submit copies of transcripts?
- How long will it take for my acceptance?
- 我接受了! 接下来是什么?
- How do I schedule my classes for my first semester?
- What do I need to bring with me on the day of the placement test?
- What subjects does the placement test include?
- How long does the placement test take?
- How much does the placement test cost?
- 是否允许重新测试??
- I am a Guest student enrolled at a不her college. What do I need to provide in order to register?
- I've applied to 中国澳门博彩官网 before. Do I need to apply again?
- Will the course(s) I take at Reading Area Community College transfer?
I'm interested in a short-term training program, 不 a college degree. 我该找谁?
Not everyone who attends 中国澳门博彩官网 is interested in college courses. 我们有很多短期项目,旨在帮助你获得提高读写能力所需的技能或培训, get a job in a new career, or move up in your current profession. 欢迎 & 信息中心也可以帮助你决定这些项目是否适合你.
I don't have a high school diploma or GED. 我还可以注册吗??
大多数(但不是全部)短期培训项目都需要高中文凭或GED. A high school diploma or GED is 不 required to apply for a college credit program, although it may be required for admission into some selective programs. 然而, 因为获得经济援助需要有效的高中文凭或GED, 中国澳门博彩官网强烈鼓励所有学生在进入中国澳门博彩官网之前完成高中或GED课程. 如果文凭是由认可的机构颁发的,那么文凭将被认为是有效的 行为.
W在这里 can I get help with the application process?
You can stop by the Welcome & 信息中心-无需预约-与训练有素的专业人士交谈,他们可以帮助您决定哪种计划最适合您.
What kind of program should I choose?
中国澳门博彩官网除了提供大学学分证书外,还提供短期职业培训项目,有些项目短至3周, 证书, and associate degree programs that may take 1 or more years to complete. 招生协调员可以帮助您选择符合您个人教育和职业需求的课程.
What kind of student am I?
中国澳门博彩官网 uses the following definitions for students who enroll in college diploma, 证书 or associate degree programs. 当您完成申请时,您将选择最准确的一个:
- 去学生: students who are interested in beginning coursework toward an associate degree. 寻求学位的学生可能已经在其他学院或大学开始他们的课程,或者可能是第一次在中国澳门博彩官网开始大学学习.
- 初入学: 在学业上为上大学做好准备并希望在高中期间参加大学课程的高中生.
- 学位学生: 希望在中国澳门博彩官网注册的学生不是为了获得证书,而是为了专业发展, 个人兴趣, 等. (不 eligible for Financial Aid).
- 旁听生: 希望在中国澳门博彩官网注册一组特定课程,同时在另一所学院或大学保持积极注册的学生(客座学生通常没有资格获得经济援助).
- 国际学生: students entering or currently residing in the United States under an F-1 visa.
How much is the application fee?
T在这里 is NO fee for applying to 中国澳门博彩官网.
If I am taking only one course must I complete an application?
是的. 该申请为我们提供了必要的信息,以便为您建立永久记录.
Do I have to be accepted to apply for Financial Aid?
No. The sooner you complete your 金融援助 文书工作, 更好的, 特别是如果你的申请日期接近下学期的开始. 你可以把你的 FAFSA as soon as you apply, even before we officially process your application.
Am I required to submit copies of transcripts?
如果你是作为非学位候选人申请,入学时不需要成绩单. 然而, if you attended a college or university, an "unofficial" copy should be brought 和你在一起 at the time of registration. Guest students do 不 need to provide transcripts of any type.
How long will it take for my acceptance?
Because the college has an open admission policy for college credit programs, 所有学生一旦完全完成申请,就会被学院录取. 除非您的申请缺少所需信息,否则您将在收到申请后两周内收到正式录取通知书. 接受选择性学习课程,如注册护理和实用护理, 是否基于申请材料的完成和护理选择委员会的审查.
我接受了! 接下来是什么?
如果你是一名攻读学位的学生(包括国际学生),你的下一步是 take the placement test and then meet with an advisor and register for classes. 客座学生和非学位学生不需要完成分班测试.
Guest students can register for classes by completing the Guest Registration Form. Non-degree students can register for classes by completing the
How do I schedule my classes for my first semester?
Your first step after applying will be to take any required placement tests. After completing your placement tests, you will meet with an advisor to begin registering for classes. 点击 在这里 to view Walk-in Advising hours.
What do I need to bring with me on the day of the placement test?
You must bring a current legal photo I.D. 和你在一起. We will provide all other necessary materials.
What subjects does the placement test include?
大学学分分班考试将测试你的阅读、写作和数学能力. 分班考试的阅读和数学部分不计时,在电脑上进行, 而分班考试的写作部分包括一篇30分钟的手写文章.
How long does the placement test take?
Students generally spend about 2.5 hours on the test, but some students can take as long as 4 hours. 无法在分班考试上花费所需时间的学生可以在不同的周三完成分班考试的个别部分,届时将举行预约分班考试.
How much does the placement test cost?
T在这里 is no charge for the college placement test.
I am a Guest student enrolled at a不her college. What do I need to provide in order to register?
After submitting an application, you will need to submit a completed Permission to Transfer form.
I've applied to 中国澳门博彩官网 before. Do I need to apply again?
Applications are valid for 1 year. 如果你以前申请过,但在你申请的那个学期没有取得任何成绩, 在你重新注册课程之前,你需要提交一份新的申请. 如果你在之前申请的那个学期取得了成绩,并且距离那个学期已经超过1年了, you will need to submit a new application.
Will the course(s) I take at Reading Area Community College transfer?
雷丁区社区学院是一所经过全面认证的高等学府. As a general rule, 中国澳门博彩官网 credits do transfer. 学生有责任检查可转学性,以及课程是否适合他们未来的学习计划或课程. If a course transfers but is 不 part of a student's program of study, the course may 不 count toward credits needed for graduation. 要查看课程等效性指南,并获得更多中国澳门博彩官网转出中国澳门博彩官网的信息,请访问 传输服务.