Mission Statement and Core Values
The Mission Statement adopted by the Reading Area Community College Board of Trustees is as follows:
At 中国澳门博彩官网…
- We strive for excellence in all our actions.
- We promote student learning and personal growth through teaching and mentoring.
- We create welcoming and safe environments where intellectual curiosity and learning can flourish.
- We value the diversity in our community and the richness it brings.
- We connect students to resources within the College and the community at large that best meet their educational needs.
- We are committed to lifelong learning both for students and ourselves.
雷丁区社区学院相信每个公民的教育丰富和我们所服务的社区的经济和文化发展. We are committed to the four, key "hallmarks" which we believe are at the core of a comprehensive community college: access, opportunity, excellence and hope.
- Access. We provide access to an education for all students. As an open access institution, students have the chance to fulfill their aspirations and educational goals.
- Opportunity. As teachers, administrators, student services, or support personnel, we strive to work in harmony, 与我们对学生成功的承诺保持一致,以确保每个学生都有机会实现他们的梦想.
- Excellence. We are committed to excellence in everything we do. 社区大学的独特之处在于有机会为学生提供个性化的学习和支持服务,以解决他或她可能在学习范围内的问题.
- Hope. Reading Area Community College has offered hope to so many who thought they could never pursue a higher education. Our mission ultimately offers hope to all persons, and we will continue to work diligently to sustain, and ultimately fulfill, that hope for all students.
Services at 中国澳门博彩官网
雷丁区社区学院致力于为我们的学生提供服务,允许他们获得安全的课程和支持, equitable and inclusive.
Accessibility Services
雷丁区社区学院和无障碍服务办公室欢迎所有合格的残疾学生. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, the college is committed to providing equal access to all programs and activities.
中国澳门博彩官网 does not offer a specialized program for students with disabilities. All students, including those with disabilities, are responsible to meet the requirements outlined in 中国澳门博彩官网'S Student Code of Conduct.
Title IX Compliance
雷丁区社区学院致力于让您充分参与所有的教育项目和活动. 中国澳门博彩官网 understands that Sexual Misconduct is a problem in our society, including on college campuses.
中国澳门博彩官网 takes seriously any allegation of Sexual Misconduct, which includes discrimination based on sex, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. 中国澳门博彩官网反对不当性行为的立场也包括你可能因为你的性取向而经历的不当性行为, gender identity, or national origin. If you are experiencing, or have recently experienced, any form of Sexual Misconduct, please contact the Office of the Title IX Coordinator at (610) 372-4721, ext. 5016, or any other faculty member or administrator whom you trust. In an emergency or off-hours situation, always call 9-1-1 or 中国澳门博彩官网 Campus Security at (610) 607-6230.
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee
- 支持多样性的机构价值及其带来的丰富性,提出建议,通过在课堂内外使用公平的实践来缩小学生保留和完成学业的差距, professional development in cultural proficiency, and effective communication.
- 通过促进多样性的制度价值及其通过公平实践带来的丰富性,缩小学生群体之间的成绩差距.
- Identify and seek to reduce performance gaps between groups of students.
- Ensure that committee members are trained on culturally proficient practices.
- 就进一步推进战略计划的行动提出建议,重点是促进作为机构价值的多样性.
- Serve as consultants to other college units/individuals in identifying equitable practices.
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee membership, representative of a variety of campus constituents, 是否会定期评估该机构在减少目标高危学生之间的表现差距方面的有效性,并通过在课堂内外使用公平有效的实践来减少差距提出建议, professional development in cultural proficiency, and effective communication.
Student Support Services Program/Advantage Program
A program that is funded by the U.S. Department of Education that provides comprehensive academic support first-generation, academically eligible, low income, and students with disabilities to help them be successful in college and achieve success.
每个优势项目的学生都需要与个案专家会面,以设定秋季和春季学期的目标. 获得学分少于30学分的学生每学期至少要开会三次,以设定目标,并跟踪学生朝着这些目标的进展, as well as academic standing and other issues.
KEYS Program
Keystone Education高产出(KEYS)是一个由州政府资助的项目,旨在帮助特定群体的学生进入社区大学并取得成功. 通过贫困家庭临时援助(TANF/Cash)和/或补充营养援助计划(SNAP/食品券)获得福利的学生可能有资格参加KEYS计划. 该项目提供一名学生辅导员,帮助学生适应大学生活,实现他们的职业目标. Students are also be connected to college resources and other supportive services in the local community. Students enrolled in KEYS may be eligible for financial assistance to cover such expenses as: Child care, Transportation, School/training registration fee (not tuition), Books and school or training supplies, Test fees, Clothing, Equipment/tools needed for school/training, Car purchase, Car repair, and Motor vehicle operator fees.
Chosen Name Process
雷丁区社区学院认识到,员工和学生可能希望使用官方学院文件中记录的名字以外的名字. When designated by a student, 学院将在所有学院文件中使用所选择的名/名,除非学院业务或法律需要使用正式名称. 可以理解的是,使用选定的名字是不允许的任何目的的虚假陈述,可以由学院管理部门酌情决定拒绝.
Other Programs and Initiatives
- English for Academic Purposes
- 中国澳门博彩官网 Food Pantry
- LatinX Students Connected Club
- Diversity Club
- Muslim Student Association
- The 中国澳门博彩官网 Christian Network